Tuesday, April 22

Freo Markets

There are 2 markets in Freo, one perfectly situated at the end of the cappuccino strip, opposite the Fremantle Ovel, with the other (B Shed) behind the train station and perched on the edge of the Swan river. Both are open Friday to Sunday, with the former most certainly being the most lively of the two.

The main Fremantle Markets are almost always packed to the brim, and even the tourist tat is quite charming, as it sits mingling with the ever random array of ornaments, clothing, jewellery, art, stuffed toys and natural remedies that are only a smidgin of the goods on offer. As you walk further into the Markets you'll likely be hearing someone hammering the ivories of an old upright piano in one ear, whilst listening to the free live entertainment provided by the pub (yes there is a pub in the heart of the market) in the other! The second half of the market (known as The Yard) is nothing short of a foodie haven, with huge paella pots, freshly brewed coffee, chocolate dipped fruit and freshly baked bread, all up for grabs, not to mention the stalls full of local fresh produce that you can take home for dinner.

Crazy and frantic and totally a must-do! 

Click here to view an interactive map >>

Opening Hours

The Yard
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8am - 6pm

The Hall
Friday: 9am - 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 6pm

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