I've been asked to spread the word about a fabulous little event that's kicking off in our beloved Fremantle tomorrow, 9th May. Fairly Fashionable is a fashion show (darling) to promote the awareness of Fair Trade, encouraging the shopaholics amongst us (Hello, My name is Sarah..) to consider the conditions under which our beloved threads are made.
Even if you can't make it tomorrow you can show your support by liking the Fairly Fashionable Facebook Page. For those than can attend, here's the skinny.
Consider yourself invited:
Fair Trade Freo and the WA Fair Trade Collective invite you to celebrate with us an exciting collaboration between Australian designers and Fair Trade textile producers and suppliers - Fairly Fashionable? 2014!
The Fairly Fashionable? event is the culmination of a challenge for Australian designers to come up with a fashion piece that incorporates Fair Trade fabric in just 14 days. This challenge was launched on Fashion Revolution day which marked the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory disaster in Bangladesh.
We invite you to a public event on the eve of World Fair Trade Day:
Friday May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm
MANY 6160, Fremantle's exciting fashion precinct in the former MYER building.
Join us for a talk on Ethical Fashion by Jessica Priemus, founder of Bahlo followed by our headline fashion parade of the Fairly Fashionable? challenge. Door prize, raffle, fair trade tastings and more!
Tickets: Click here to buy for $10 or pay $15 on the door.